How an electrical tagging course can save your business & your life
Date: 08 August 2017
Specified electrical equipment and safety switches in the workplace or in industry need to be tested at fairly regular intervals because as we all know electricity can cause serious physical harm and even kill you, and that?s obviously one of the crucial reasons why an electrical tagging course can save your business and your life.
An electrical tagging course would outline in detail how a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) or a self-employed person has the responsibility to be confident that the electrical equipment in their workplace is safe and where required, regularly inspected, tested and maintained.
An electrical tagging course would detail how a system should be in place to assess the electrical equipment that is used in the workplace. If the electrical equipment operates in, or is affected by, a hostile environment (this could include mechanical damage, vibration, corrosive substances or dust)
it must be regularly inspected, tested and maintained by a competent person.
An electrical tagging course?s objective is to give the participant the necessary knowledge and practical skills to operate under the umbrella of our country?s Work Health and Safety Act or regulations.
These include: getting to know the Australian Standards AS/NZS 3760:2010 which covers the in-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment; as well as the Australian Standards ASNZS3190:2009, which deals with the approval and test specification - residual current devices (current operated earth-leakage devices). Next comes the Australian Standard AS/NZS 3012:2010 which is linked to construction and demolition sites.
The electrical tagging course would also look at the code of practice covered in Managing Electrical Risks in the Workplace 2014 and would also examine manufacturers? operating instructions.
The objectives of the electrical tagging course would be for the participant to:
- Understand the application and requirements of the relevant codes of practice (some mentioned above) including AS/NZS 3012:2010;
- Be able to use a Portable Appliance Tester (PAT) safely and effectively;
- Have a clear understanding of the dangers of electricity, its workings and its components;
- Be clear on the need for inspection and testing and when it?s applicable;
- Determine the equipment class (Class I and Class II) in accordance with Australian Standards and the code of practice;
- Understand various important terms: including double insulation, protective earth, insulation resistance and earth leakage current;
- Inspect, test, tag, and complete documentation on the outcome.
To find out more about our test & tag courses and how it could benefit your business click here.
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